2018-03-22 09_42_15-Walnut Trace Farm Open Schooling Day - Bluebeam Revu x64


Walnut Trace Farm Open Schooling Day – April 15, 2018

 Schooling will be available in the dressage arena, stadium and cross country courses between 9:00 and 3:30 on April 15th.


Dressage Schooling:

Dressage schooling can be scheduled in 15 minute increments by requesting a ride time or can be first come, first serve around the scheduled riders.  If another rider is not waiting to school, the rider can continue to school for longer than 15 minutes but please be considerate of other riders. Approved helmet and medical armband are required.


Stadium Schooling:

Stadium will consist of a course of jumps ranging from 18” through Training that will be available on the following schedule:

  • 12-18” course 9:00-10:15
  • 2’-2’3” course 10:30-11:30
  • BN 2’7” course 11:45-12:45
  • N 2’11” course     1:00-2:00
  • T 3’3” course         2:15-3:00


A rider can pre-register and have a specific ride time or register the day of the schooling. The above ride times are approximate and may be lengthened or shortened based upon turnout. Approved helmet and medical armband are required.

Cross Country Schooling:

Cross country can be schooled on your own time table. Approved helmet, medical armband and XC vest are required.


All riders must have a 2018 release completed and have a current copy of their horse’s coggins attached. NO EXCEPTIONS.  Once a release is on file for 2018, it will be valid through December 31, 2018.  Coggins will need to be updated as they expire. Download the release at the walnut trace website under the waivers tab.

Pre-registration Form:

Walnut Trace Farm Open Schooling Day